We are a very easy 0.5 mile stroll to the CMAC venue! Avoid traffic jams when the concert lets out- no DWI! New sidewalks and street lighting make this an easy walking route. A bonus is that it is all downhill on the way back after the event!

We are an easy 0.5 mile walk to the CMAC venue on the FLCC campus. Recently installed sidewalks and street lighting make this an even easier navigation, despite whatever alcohol may be consumed before or during the concert!

2024 offers CMAC concerts beginning in May. Email or call us at 585-394-5383 Mon,Tues,Thurs, Fri 9am-2pm, and Saturdays 1pm to 3pm to enquire about availability and rates. No Sunday calls please. See https://www.cmacevents.com for upcoming concerts and ticket info.

It appears that other events WILL be happening , including the Pageant of Steam in August., The Waterfront Arts Festival, and Christkindl in November!

Canandaigua Speedway operates every Saturday night in the summer, weather permitting.

***Special packages available for the Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024***

this includes your room, a pair of solar safe glasses and either breakfast or lunch!

Directions to CMAC

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